Have a Good One.  From Philly to Israel and Back Again, and Selling Some Cool Things Along the Away.

Have a Good One. From Philly to Israel and Back Again, and Selling Some Cool Things Along the Away.

Posted by Rachel Rose Shalev on Nov 26th 2022

This is me. 

Starting a new blog here, on my e-commerce site, thinking that  there might be some connection between me and the things I sell. 

Thinking that no matter where I meander with the entries over time, my online  world of anonymous business transactions and my in-real-life world in Philly USA will meet without colliding.

Thinking that there is a  story, if not a reason, for everything I sell.

And whether this blog leans more toward me with a nod to my business, or leans more toward my business with a peek at me from time to time, remains to be seen. 

In the meantime, at least I've gotten started.

I'll see you on the other side.